November 09, 2011

Zucchini Chicken Minced

I love bing's cook (

Just a little bit modification and this simple dish is really delightful!

Source inspiration:

Recipe with my modification :
500gr zucchini (around 2 pieces zucchinies)
350gr chicken minced
2.5 tbs wong ciu
2 tbs oyster sauce
1.5 tbs dark soy sauce (kecap manis)
1 tbs minced garlic
2 tbs sugar, add if necessary
1/2 tbs soya sauce (kecap asin)
1tbs cooking oil

How :
- heat up pan and cooking oil
- stir minced garlic around 20sec, till it changed colour
- add zucchinies, stir around 1 minute
- add chicken minced, stir
- add wong ciu
- add oyster sauce
- add dark soy sauce
- add sugar
- add soya sauce
- stir till all mixed well and cookedl.
Add sugar if necessary and wong ciu

November 06, 2011

Salmon Confit with Lemon Grass Sauce

Salmon.. salmon... I love salmon!
When I did some errands at Lotte Mart, I found salmon on promo price.. only IDR 12000/ons
I directly bought 3 slices, because I know hubby love's salmon, healthy and delicious!

I took this recipe from my inspiration blog : Thanks to her, I could make this beautiful dishes.
FYI, this is first time I made western food and look like masterchef. hahaha
For the salmon -
400g – 450g salmon fillets (preferably skinless) --> only used 200gr salmon
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
2 large lemons --> i took 1 lemon
For the vegetable medley -
1 large carrot
150g – 200g spinach leaves (I used baby spinach leaves) -
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon cooking oil
1 tablespoon minced garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
For the sauce -
2 stalks of lemon grass (ends only, outer leaves removed) --> not used
1 tablespoon butter
150ml fresh cream
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon liquid chicken stock (or 1/2 cube of chicken stock cubes) --> i used Royco Kaldu Gel
Chives to garnish --> not used

Begin by preheating the oven to 120°C. An efficient oven is important for this dish. If the oven is too cold, the fish will not get cooked. If the oven tends to get too hot, the fish will be roasted and overcooked. If you are uncertain, then think about whether your cookies/cakes are usually overdone or underdone when you follow a recipe exactly. If they are always overdone, then you can turn down the temperature to 110°C.

Get the freshest salmon fillets you can get your hands on. The thick ones are the nicest for this dish.

Add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to the salmon fillets and rub it all over the fish.

Season generously with salt and pepper. About 1/2 teaspoon each of salt and pepper. I usually use Masterfoods Garlic Pepper for each time that I need salt and pepper. Rub the seasonings all over the fish.

Slice two lemons into thick slices, discarding the ends. Lay the slices of lemons on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Place the salmon fillets on top of the lemon slices. If you have left the skin on for the fillets, then make sure it’s skin side down.

Place the salmon fillets in the oven and cook for 25 mins. If the salmon fillets are very thick, cook a little longer for another 3 to 5 mins.
While the fish is cooking, prepare the vegetable medley and sauce.
Peel a large carrot and diagonally slice into thin slices.

Wash and pluck the leaves of a bunch of spinach. I used about 150g of baby spinach.

Heat a deep saucepan and add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil. Keep the heat at medium heat.

When the oil is hot, add 1 tablespoon of butter.

When the butter has melted, add the carrots and stir fry for a minute to cook and soften the carrots. I like them slightly crunchy so I don’t cook them for too long here. Keep the heat at medium.

Remove the cooked carrot slices and set aside in a warm place.

In the same pan, add 1 tablespoon of minced garlic. Stir fry for 20 seconds.

Add the spinach leaves. Stir fry at medium heat.

Add salt and pepper to taste. About 1/2 teaspoon each of salt and pepper. I used Masterfoods Garlic Pepper seasonings instead again.

Stir fry the spinach till it’s soft and wilted. Careful not to overcook as they would lose their natural pretty green colour.

Dish up the cooked spinach and set aside in a warm place.

Now make the sauce.
Peel off the hard outer layer of 2 stalks of lemon grass. Slice into 2 inch long pieces and using the back of your knife, bash the lemongrass and bruise them slightly for the fragrance and flavours to emit.

Add 1 tablespoon of butter to a small saucepan.

When the butter has melted and is bubbling slightly, add the lemongrass. Cook at medium heat for 30 seconds.

Add 150ml of fresh liquid cream. Let the mixture come to a gentle rolling boil.

Add 1 teaspoon of liquid chicken stock concentrate. Or you can use 1/2 cube of chicken stock bouillon. Stir it in well, and do a taste check. If it’s not salty enough, add more chicken stock.

Whisk the sauce as it boils and thickens.

After a couple of minutes, the sauce would have thickened. Remove the lemongrass.

Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. I usually use a strainer and squeeze a lemon directly over the sauce. Do a taste check. Add more lemon juice if necessary. Whisk well to combine.

The salmon should be done by now. Remove them from the oven.

Plate your dish but placing some spinach and carrots at the bottom of a plate or shallow dish.

Gently place the salmon fillet on top. Drizzle a generous amount of sauce around the fish. Garnish with chives.

Source :

Sweet & Sour Chicken with Lychee

Dalam ajang chinese food week dan pengen dapetin badge dari NCC.. aku buat masakan ini.

Masakan ini kudapat dari blog I really love her blogs. Very inspired and nice photo :)

Dan ini tanda lulusnya.. hehehe :)
Resep :

500gr dada ayam, tanpa tulang dan kulit (jangan pake yang fillet)
1 putih telur
1 tbsp tepung (aku pake tepung Segitiga biru)
1/4 tsp garam
1/4 tsp lada bubuk
1/2 tbsp bawang putih cincang halus
5sdm minyak goreng

1 bh (200gr) kentang jepang, buang isinya --> potong seukuran bite size
1 bh bawang bombay, ukuran sedang/besar --> potong seukuran bite size
1 tbsp bawang putih cincang halus
1 kaleng lychee
2-4sdm air lychee dari kaleng 
1 tbsp saus tiram
1 tbsp saus tomat
1 tsp gula 
1 tbsp wong ciu (biasa dikenal arak merah)
1 tbsp minyak
gula dan lada untuk rasa

1. Potong ayam se-ukuran bite size, taruh di mangkok
2. Masukan putih telur, tepung, garam, lada, bawang putih
3. Campur semua adonan sampai rata .. sisihkan
4. Goreng adonan ayam di minyak panas sampai berwarna kekuningan/matang

1. Tumis bawang bombay kurleb 30 detik
2. Masukan bawang putih, tumis sampai bawang putih harum/ berwarna keemasan
3. Masukan timun
4. Masukan lychee
5. Masukan saus tiram
6. Masukan saus tomat
7. Masukan wong ciu
8. Masukan gula
9. Masukan air lychee. Jika kelihatan kering, tambahkan air lychee / secukupnya. Cicipi. Tambahkan garam dan lada jika diperlukan. Kuah jangan sampai terlalu basah tapi cukup utk meng-cover ayam
10. Masukan ayam goreng.
11. Aduk2 sampai rata.

Sajikan hangat dengan nasi putih.
Untuk 4 orang.

June 09, 2011


who doesn't like spaghetti? All my family loves spaghetti.. It's easy to cook. I used the sauce combination between milk, ketchup pasta, ketchup sauce, and fresh tomato. The taste sweeter and more yummy!

American Cookies

I just took these shot just tested my new DSLR... still need practice much!
What I learnt :
- I need more light.. Yes!! I need lights, my house is very less light.
- I need better food stylist.. I know it's still bad composition
- I need angle to shoot.

Daging Bumbu Bali

Coba2 mau belajar food photography..

semoga hasil fotonya seenak masakannya ^.^

May 19, 2011

Spaghetti Saos Daging

Resep ini aku liat dari resep dapur solia yang ternyata resep awalnya diambil dari resep keluarga cinta by Hanna.

Sekilas liat resepnya rumit sekali untuk buat spaghetti ini, ternyata mudah ^.^

Tampilan spaghetti saos daging recipe by Hanna Naniek, modifikasi by Dapur Solia, dan ini hasil modifikasi dari si chubby ^.^

Ini resepnya (aku ambil 1/2 resep dari dapur solia) 

Bahan2 saos:

500 gr Daging cincang --> aku pake 250gr daging cincang
250 gram Jamur merang --> aku pake 1/2 pak jamur merang (1 pak 175gr)
5 siung Bawang putih cincang --> 3 siung bawang puih parut
1 buah Bawang bombay besar iris tipis ---> 3/4 bawang bombang cincang, bentuk kotak2
170 gram (1 kaleng) Pasta tomat Delmonte --> aku pake pasta Delmonte ukuran 375gr, pake 1/2 kaleng
170 gram Saos tomat botol Delmonte ---> 1/2 botol saus tomat delmonte
Gula pasir (sesuai selera)
1 sdt Merica bubuk (atau sesuai selera)
1/2 sdt Pala bubuk (atau sesuai selera)
3-4 lembar Bay leaves kering disobek sobek --> ngga pake
1/2 sdt Oregano --> aku pakein secukupnya
500 ml Susu cair atau red wine --> aku pake 200ml susu
2 sdm Margarine / minyak untuk menumis -->
Garam sesuai selera (sedikit saja)

Bahan2 untuk spaghetti:

500 gram Spaghetti (aku pake LaFonte) ---> cuuman pake 250gr spaghetti laFonte
1 sdt Garam --> sejumput garam

Pelengkap : keju kraft - parut

Cara Membuat:

1) Tumis bawang putih sampai harum, masukkan bawang bombay cincang, aduk2 hingga layu
2) Masukkan daging cincang, masak hingga berubah warna.
3) Masukkan jamur merang.
4) Masukkan air / susu / red wine.
5) Masukkan tomat pasta / botol / segar, aduk2.
6) Masukkan semua bumbu (gula, bumbu Italy, merica, pala, garam). Cicipi.
7) Masak hingga saos mendidih
8) Membuat spaghetti: didihkan air secukupnya, masukkan mentega, spaghetti. Kasi sejumput garam (kalau suka)
9) Sajikan dengan keju parut